You have seen the ads and done your research, but is satellite TV right for you? May I ask how much you watch television? Or how important TV is to you?
What about your computer? Do you spend a lot of time in front of the computer surfing the web?
The average American watches about 3.8 hours of television per day and spends about 3.6 hours on the computer. If your an average American then I would recommend that you save some time and combine the two. Now the only reason you would be researching this topic is if money was an issue. We all know that you don't just waste your money on something that you wont use or get your moneys worth out of. Well I'm here to tell you that satellite TV is probably a lot cheaper than you think.
I'm sure most of us already pay at least $25 a month for cable/satellite, if not more. What if i told you that you could have thousands of channels for just two of those months payments? Most of you are saying 50!? And that's right! Most satellite TV services charge about $50 for their service, but wait...its gets better. This service charge is only a ONE TIME FEE! This means that you pay a one time fee to the service provider you choose and Bam! Over thousands of channels streaming directly to your PC for years to come. Now is that a deal or what?
So your ready to get satellite TV for your PC, so which service provider do your choose? There are not many satellite TV for your PC options available so far, but the link below can give you an idea of how they compare.
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