On an average a person normally spends at least $300 per month on cable television which does not even show you enough number of channels therefore you are not getting perfect value for your money. There are several channels out there which are not shown in many countries at the same time you are paying a hundred times more than what you should be paying for TV. Read on to discover how you are wasting money on TV and let me show you a way to save a lot of money on TV.......
Customers are being ripped off- You normally pay a massive fee for something that is not as expensive as it seems to be. Not only this but some of the channels are special or a pay per view for which you had to pay more money for every individual channel.
You can not record the TV shows- In the present day and age of high technology we have ways using that you can record TV shows and watch it at your leisure later on. Most cable channels do not provide you with such technology therefore you can not record TV shows and watch them later on.
You had to pay a recurring fee- Using cable TV is like being on a membership scheme where you had to pay a monthly recurring fee till the time you are using the service. You see cable TV is something which will suck thousands of dollars from your pocket even before you realize it. If you were to really look into it you have already spent thousands of dollars on entertainment which you can otherwise get for free if you were to really do some research on it.
This is something you must know- Do you know that you can watch channels like CNN, NBC, BBC, SONY, ESPN, FOX & 3000+ other channels directly from your Pc or laptop? Not only this you would be able to record your favorite TV shows and be able to watch them as and when you please. You will get over 3000 STATIONS on your PC or Laptop for free!! And all this will happen 5 minutes from now. This is one thing you simply can not afford to miss at any cost click here- Tell Me How
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Pushpa_Pal_Singh
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