What if someone were to offer you a way to watch satellite television for free. Would you believe them? Well, there is a way! It's called Free To Air Satellite TV broadcast streamed through your computer.
The Free to Air TV broadcast software allows users to watch unencrypted broadcasts legally. This means anyone in the household from the grandparents to the little tyke can watch movies, trailers, cartoons, games, music videos or news releases. These can be prerecorded or live videos.
Many online TV stations including TNT and ABC allow users to catch up on past episodes of their favorite shows. If curiosity lingers, a user can type keywords into a search engine to find other streaming videos, whether live or recorded, and find many more national and international sites. Based upon this inquiry, the search should yield (hopefully) websites the user is interested in looking at.
It must be said that streaming videos requires a higher end computer system. Anything below a Pentium III 333 CPU processor will not allow the video to play or stall trying to play. A good graphics card that retails typically more than $70 should be installed along with your sound card. Computer speakers and a large LCD screen will complete the ensemble.
However, some sites do require special software that needs to be downloaded and installed before streaming videos will work. The software can be found widely throughout the Internet and while some may be free to use, others may require payment. Don't forget that using a dial-up connection will not work as well as the higher data lines like DSL, Cable or even Wireless. It should take no more than an hour to finish the procedure.
The ever-popular Windows Operating Software (OS) works effectively with streaming technology. Whether it is Win 95, Win 98, NT, ME, 2000 or XP, as long as the streaming software and the computer hardware technology is available, watching satellite TV will be within your reach.
TV stations will not require payments for using their data. In fact, they won't pay much attention to anyone on the site unless, for some reason, a user is bombarding them with a nagging signal. Only then will they step in to rectify the situation.
Software technology and online TV stations are the main ways Internet users can get a taste of the remote control and watch videos.
Find out more information by visiting my blog or to become one of the million users already taking advantage of this technology
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kay_Kal
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