For quite some time the decision that TV viewers had to make when choosing between satellite and cable was sometimes difficult to make. The tug-o-war between the two service providers seemed to go back and forth as both of them would add on features and options for potential customers to select from. With regards to high definition programming, it too was a somewhat difficult decision to make.
This was, because while satellite TV service providers maintained a marginal lead on cable service providers cable service in terms of actual channel numbers the companies were continuing to make claims that they were on the brink of overcoming their technological handicap. This they claimed would eliminate the technological advantage that satellite service providers held and allow them to then compete on a level playing field.
It seems that time has ran out for cable companies, because two things have taken place. One of them is that both leading satellite TV service providers have made quantum leaps in their numbers of high definition channels, with Dish Network at thirty-eight and DirecTV at an astounding seventy-two at last count. This in turn has led to the other event, which is a realization by cable service customers that they have been duped into believing that they would in short order have an adequate number of high definition channels to select from.
In fact the writing was on the wall the whole time, because cable companies were never forth coming with regards to what it actually was that was in their way of carrying high numbers of high definition channels. Also, being that if it was a technological problem that required a technological solution, satellite service providers would always have the upper hand because technologically speaking they always do.
With the number comparisons being what they are at the present time it would seem that no one now can look to cable for high definition programming. Unfortunately, many people have no choice in service providers and this is something that cable company strategists have known all along. For apartment dwellers and others that can't receive satellite, because they are blocked in by terrain they are simply out of luck for now.
The good news is that satellite TV service providers are presently working on the technology that would allow these disadvantaged TV viewers to some day receive satellite TV programming. Until then however; they will have to do with out the large number of high definition channels that satellite TV service providers have to offer.
A bright spot is the fact that Dish Network recently launched a new satellite service for recreational vehicles called "Mobile Dish". Mobile Dish incorporates new technology that now allows RV owners to receive one-hundred channels of satellite TV programming while the vehicle is in motion and without the use of a conventional satellite dish. What this means is that unlike cable service providers, satellite TV service providers are in fact hard at work overcoming technological challenges that stand in their way and are continually reaching out to new viewers.
Written by William Wilkinson. Find the latest information on direct tv deals as well as other satellite tv deals.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=William_Wilkinson
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