So many new technological developments have come along for RV travelers over the years that the people who first hit the road decades ago in the first travel trailers would hardly recognize what is todays modern RV. As far as on-board entertainment is concerned, it has been development after development and now people can expect only the best in stereo systems, flat screened TVs all ran through state of the art surround sound systems.
With all of this new whizz-bang technology that people have been dragging into their RVs there has always been one thing that stayed out of reach of the savvy RV traveler and that was real time satellite reception while the RV was traveling down the open road. Sure people could watch satellite TV after they arrived at their destinations but who wants to watch TV when your at a great vacation spot that features rivers, lakes, casinos and full contact kick boxing contests.
The time that a satellite system is really needed is on the way to the destination, particularly when all the sight seeing that there is out the window is deserts and old wrecked cars out in fields. Now that has all changed and it is possible to watch satellite TV on your new flat screened TV while zooming down the road, thanks to a new service that is offered by Dish Network called "Mobile Dish".
Its a satellite TV service that was created just for moving vehicles that now has one-hundred channels of great programming for entertainment starved travelers to select from. The reception is great and the dish on the roof never has to be set up or taken down again, because there is no longer a dish on the roof. With Mobile dish, its good-bye and good riddance to the problematic satellite dish on the roofs of RV that seemed to have the ability to magically reach up and snag on even the highest branches that were driven under.
Its been replaced by a brand new state of the art low profile antennae that actually hugs the roof of an RV and is completely snag proof. With every other minority having their own advocates in the U.S. its about time that someone did something for RV owners, who in fact are possibly the most neglected minority in the U.S.
Leave it to the good folks at Dish Network to take up the mantle for RV owners everywhere who have had to do without for generation after generation while the rest of America watched their satellite TV programming in the comfort of their homes. Now RV owners will never have to stand at the back of the line and accept second best when it comes to satellite TV programming and its about time. Also, now RV travelers everywhere can have full access to twenty-four hour weather while they are on the road, which will make traveling so much more safer and pleasant.
Written by Rodney Fenster. Find the latest information on direct tv deal as well as dish network deal
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rodney_Fenster
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