A lot of satellite television providers today have more down sides than they do plus points. They have great channel selections but they are way over priced or they are super cheap but they have barely any channels to chose from. If you are a person who wants a satellite television provider who has more plus sides they do down sides then DirecTV is the satellite Television provider for you! Lets review the plus points of choosing DirecTV.
DirecTV's Broad Channel Selection
- DirecTV has package deals that allow you to have anywhere from 40 channels to over 250 channels to chose from.
- You can also chose a package that includes a High Definition receiver which will add on over another 140 channels to your selection ( the amount of channels available depend on the available channels in your area ). With High Definition you can also access all the local channels that are available in your area.
- Some DirecTV packages have 3 FREE months or full service of HBO channels, ShowTime channels, and Cinemax channels included.
- Some DirecTV packages have over 68 XM Radio channels included.
- You will have access to all the best channels and the hard to find channels including Cartoon Network, Nick at Night, Nickelodeon, NFL, Bravo, TNT, Discovery channel, Animal Planet, The History Channel, The Health Channel, VH1, MTV, Classic VH1, GOD, Church Channels, ESPN, ESPN2, Fox News, Sports South, and Comedy Central.
DirecTV Available DVR Addition
- Some DirecTV packages include a DVR system or Digital Video Recorder.
- Other packages you can upgrade to include a Digital Video Recorder for FREE ( some package upgrades include an online instant rebate )
- The Digital Video Recorder system allows you to record your shows with out VHS tapes or DVD disks.
- The Digital Video Recorder system can hold over 200 hours of recorded show time.
- The Digital Video Recorder system can hold over 40 hours of High Definition show time.
- You can record up to two shows at the same time with the Digital Video Recorder system.
- The Digital Video Recorder system allows you to be able to fast forward, rewind, and also pause your television shows as if you were watching a dvd. You can watch television shows at your convince instead of when the show is timed to air.
DirecTV and Its Wonderful Customer Service
- DirecTV has knowledgeable personnel standing by 24/7 to help you with any large or small issues you may have with your equipment or service whether it be a technical problem or just a minor service issue.
- DirecTV sends personnel to your home to install all your equipment when you sign up for their service and it is an amazing 100% FREE.
- DirecTV was at the receiving end of the J.D. Power Award for their wonderful customer service abilities.
DirecTV has more up sides than it does down sides so it is clearly the superior provider compared to its competition. Not only does it beat the competition in service and delivery but also DirecTV has crazy low prices and great deals on upgrades.