Having the right LNB for the right Satellite dish is extremely important. There are two kinds of LNBS in the market. One is called a Circular LNB and the other is called Linear LNB. Please be aware that a circular feed LNB will not recognize a satellite that needs a linear feed LNB. So, when it becomes time to find the right satellite, you should check to see which LNB is the one you are after. Otherwise, can spend an eternity looking the signal with no success at all.
In Canada, you have ExpressVu and Star Choice Satellites. On one side, ExpressVu uses a Circular Feed LNB. While Star Choice uses a Linear Feed LNB.
In U.S.A, you have DirecTV and Dish Network. Both of these systems use same type of LNB as ExpressVu, Circular Feed LNB. As always there are exceptions to the rule. For Instance, Echo Star 121W, requires a Linear LNB. This satellite is part of Dish Network systems. It provides you ethnical programming such as Arabic, Hindi and Chinese languages.
So, the most common question to ask is: Is Star Choice the only satellite uses Linear LNB? The answer is obviously NO. Linear feed LNBs are used for TRUE Free to Air Satellites. For instance, you get Galaxy 25 or formerly known as IA5 or Intel Sat 5. In there, you get to watch lots of FREE ethnical channels. Another popular satellite is Galaxy 10R. This satellite has US networks and a few Spanish Channels.
It is my hope that after reading this article, you get a grasp why is important to know which satellite lnb you need before you do an installation.
Satellite Connection Systems: Business Owner: Armando R. Rios
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Armando_Rios
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